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Training Update, or, Training hasn't been perfect but TRAINING UPDATE

I'm not sure what we all did at jury duty before Twitter...

A couple weeks ago I sat in a room serving my civic duty with 200 people for three hours and was excused because the courts did not require my service.

What I didn't know was that one or more of those 200 people was
sharing their gross sick germs with me. 

When my fever finally broke and my antibiotics were done, I had missed the trail marathon I was supposed to run and totally disrupted a key week in my training cycle, so naturally I panicked.

Despite the fact that I hadn't really eaten anything let alone moved off the couch for 8 days, I thought it was important to get in a 20 miler, so yesterday GeNene and Allison and I took off for Lake Chabot!

Ready to crush it. 
I took off and went about seven miles out of the way, or as I like to think of it exploring and adventuring, before getting back to a trail I knew. My out of the way included lots of hills, a creek crossing, a parking lot with a weird bathroom with swarming boxelder bugs, and popping out onto a golf course. Oops.
To be fair, they looked at me the same way. 

Sometimes it's important to stop and turn around
and look back at where you came from...
and then keep moving forward. 
So, I don't think I could actually be
much happier than I am
right here
in this picture.

19 days until Way Too Cool...


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